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Durability Assurance

Vinsi Partners acknowledge and understand that all engineering materials will deteriorate with time, at rates dependent upon the type of material, the severity of the environment and the deterioration mechanisms involved.

Project briefs commonly demand long design lives of assets, asset elements and the components of structures and buildings. Durability assessment, durability design and durability planning is vital in minimising the risks of long-term deterioration of structures, structural elements and components.

Vinsi Partners has expertise in assessing durability for a variety of structures and buildings. The macro and micro environments to which the assets and asset components are exposed are varied and aggressive. Material types are wide ranging including concretes, metals, polymers, protective coatings and proprietary items.

We understand the flow through effects of durability from initial planning to construction. Our approach qualifies the risk of deterioration, the cost of preventative measures, the feasibility and cost of remedial actions and ongoing preventative maintenance. These need to be balanced to arrive at the best whole-of-life cost and optimised value for money.

Vinsi Partners takes great pride in the knowledge that our engineering advice is independent without any conflicts of interest associated with the supply of materials, equipment or laboratory testing services.

Vinsi Partners, its officers and employees also provide such
non-conflicted advice without any form of collusive behaviour with any entity.

The Vinsi Advantage

  • Increase likelihood of achievement of design life of structures and buildings.
  • Reduced life cycle costs.
  • Reduced maintenance and repair costs.
  • Establishment of predictable maintenance actions and costs.
  • Initiation of accountable maintenance management.
  • Minimise down-time in long term operations.
  • Prediction of materials performance in their service environments.
  • Establishment of a continuous link in durability objectives between design, construction and operation and maintenance.

Vinsi Durability Assurance Services

Pre-Tender and Tender

  • Durability objective requirements.
  • Durability methodologies.
  • Tender durability assessment and design.
  • Tender durability plans.


  • Durability assessment.
  • Durability plans/durability assessment reports.
  • Durability checklists.
  • Concrete technology.
  • Materials selection.
  • Analysis and modelling.
  • Input into construction drawings, specifications, risk assessment, inspection and monitoring requirements and maintenance manuals.
  • Cathodic protection/prevention design.
  • Stray current evaluation and mitigation.


  • Addenda to durability plans/durability assessment reports.
  • Input into construction work method statements.
  • Review of material testing results and QC records.
  • Advice on non-conformances.
  • Remedial method guidelines.
  • Maintenance schedules and strategy input.
  • Inspection and monitoring requirements.

Operation and Maintenance

  • Specifications or guidelines for
  • Specialist inspection, testing and
    monitoring support.
  • Specialist monitoring equipment
  • Provision of ongoing technical